Photo Retouching Design Brief

 When I read this week’s assignment, I immediately thought about my Mother. She’s the typical mom who loves family reunions as well as organizing photo albums. She has, over the years, gathered a large collection of photos of our immediate family and very extended family.  A lot of the people in her photos she never had the chance to meet, but photos make it feel like she knows them. However, many of subjects in the photos are out of focus or blurry or damaged due to poor storage conditions. This project gives the opportunity to not only complete schoolwork but I can also do something nice for my Mom by restoring an old photo of hers. My hope is that restoring an old photo will make her feel that much closer to her family.

She gave me a few photos to choose from which are located below. I’m not sure which I will end up restoring so I hope to hear from you all. Which do you think will be the best to work on? Are some too far gone to be restored? Are some easier to retouch than other?
